Angel Biswas

Age 9

Birthday 2014-06-16

Gender Female

My Life My father left my mother and I was sent to live with my grandmother in the village while my mom was working in the garment factory in the city. My mother wasn't able to provide for me and wanted me to grow up with more opportunities, so I was brought to the Home of Hope. I am a smart, loving girl who enjoys learning. My favorite food is bread & milk.

Sponsorship involves two elements: Home Life ($40/month) provides all of a child's daily needs, including food, clothing, healthcare, home, and Christian caregivers. Academic ($25/month) includes school supplies, tuition, uniform, and instruction provided by Christian teachers.

Interested In Current Sponsorship Opportunities?
Here are some of our sponsorships in need:

Simiyon Tripura

Days Waiting: 259

Age: 18


Mila Tripura

Days Waiting: 7

Age: 10


Ponuel Akka

Days Waiting: 266

Age: 17


Naomi Mondol

Days Waiting: 54

Age: 4


Hope Generation

P.O. Box 493352
Redding, CA 96049

[email protected]

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