Last week, as I was editing the Home of Hope children's photos, I was listening to a song called "For the One". The song speaks of our Father's amazing love for each of us and also encourages us to love others like He does--to be a living example of His perfect love "for the one ". The song ironically came on as I was editing the 127 photos of each Home of Hope child to put on the Hope Generation website. As I was working on the photo of Mithun, the lyrics stopped me. "Let me be filled With kindness and compassion for the one The one for whom You loved and gave Your Son, for humanity--increase my love" (Lyrics from "For the One" by Jenn Johnson & Paul McClure) It's hard to think of "the one" when reality screams "there's so many more". Mithun has 126 brothers and sisters at the Home of Hope. The Home is situated in Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries in the world with 165 million people-- a far cry from "the one". But as I listened closely to the song, the Father was reminding me of His love "for the one" before me, Mithun, who he carefully formed. He sent His Son to die for Mithun; he loves and cares deeply for Mithun; the wonder of His love for Mithun is more than we can imagine. And he's asking us to show that love to the one before us. Sponsors, you have shown the Father's love "for the one" by investing in the life of your sponsored child. Knowing they are treasured and loved by you is a reminder that their Heavenly Father feels the same way about them: chosen and cherished.