Did you ever run away from home? I did...once. For about 30-45 minutes. I was 12 years old and upset with my parents who were having problems of their own. So one day, when they both were running errands, I wrote a note and walked out the door. ...
To let. When we first arrived in Bangladesh and saw these signs, we didn't see two words, but instead assumed the word was "toilet". Our reaction was to think, "Wow, lots of public bathrooms with misspellings!" Had we grown up in Bangladesh, Eng...
Last week, as I was editing the Home of Hope children's photos, I was listening to a song called "For the One". The song speaks of our Father's amazing love for each of us and also encourages us to love others like He does--to be a living exampl...
What does it mean to have a sponsor? First realize that it means to be chosen. We are chosen by God, not because we have faith, but we have faith because we were chosen. As it says in John 15:16 He chose us; we didnt choose Him first. Wow, He lo...
Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, at Amsterdam83 said,If you only see the physical need, you will become a humanitarian. If you only see his mental need, you will become an educator. If you only see his political oppression, you will become ...
My grandparents homesteading in North Dakota There's nothing like a trip with your 90-year-old mom, visiting your relatives, talking over the good old days, and rediscovering tombstones of both grandparents' & great-grandparents' graves to ...
Bicycles. Most of us remember having one as a child. We learned to ride and having our own bike seemed like a rite of passage from being a toddler to a child. In Bangladesh, its a status symbol if you own a bicycle. Most people walk, take ricksh...
It is so easy to forget WHOSE we are. I often told my kids as teenagers, as they were headed out the door, Remember who you belong to. I didnt mean me nor their dadnor the ministry. They ultimately will stand before God. We all get that. Its the...
Our task was fairly simple: see if both children qualified to come to the Home of Hope for probably the next 12-14 years of their young lives. The questions are fairly simple. Are they from some of the poorest backgrounds in one of the poorest c...