Jesse Biswas

Age 9

Birthday 2014-05-17

Gender Male

My Life My father died in a vehicle accident in 2017. A year later, my mother left me, my brother & my sister and went to India and got married, leaving us with our uncle and grandmother. My uncle was struggling to provide for us, so we were brought to the Home of Hope. I am a triplet; my siblings are David and Pallobi. I am described as a happy, active boy.

Sponsorship involves two elements: Home Life ($40/month) provides all of a child's daily needs, including food, clothing, healthcare, home, and Christian caregivers. Academic ($25/month) includes school supplies, tuition, uniform, and instruction provided by Christian teachers.

Interested In Current Sponsorship Opportunities?
Here are some of our sponsorships in need:

Milon Biswas

Days Waiting: 43

Age: 6


Simiyon Tripura

Days Waiting: 234

Age: 18


Shaishab Rozario

Days Waiting: 139

Age: 12


Piyaly Dalbot

Days Waiting: 241

Age: 21


Hope Generation

P.O. Box 493352
Redding, CA 96049

[email protected]

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