Your donation helps cover tuition and school uniform.
Your donation helps cover books and school supplies.
Your donation helps cover education on topics such as respecting others and integrity.
Your donation helps cover a daily nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Your donation helps cover medical and dental care.
Your donation helps cover daily needs such as clothing and housing.
Did you ever run away from home? I did...once. For about 30-45 minutes. I was...
To let. When we first arrived in Bangladesh and saw these signs, we didn't see...
Last week, as I was editing the Home of Hope children's photos, I was listening...
What does it mean to have a sponsor? First realize that it means to be...
The H.E.A.R.T. ministry, a 2 year program that disciples young men and women to take Jesus' message to the lost and the least, needs a...
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In the past month, we have taken in 15 little children. When the Home of Hope takes in new children, we provide for their basic...
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The H.E.A.R.T. ministry, a 2 year program that disciples young men and women to take Jesus' message to the lost ...
In the past month, we have taken in 15 little children. When the Home of Hope takes in new children, we provide...